#FightFlu in Your Community
December 7th is the start of National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW). NIVW is an annual observance reminding everyone age 6 months and older that there’s still time to get vaccinated and #FightFlu in your community.
Flu vaccinations are more critical than ever this year as COVID-19 continues to spread at alarming rates. Combating both viruses has already placed a tremendous burden on healthcare systems around the globe. This may result in many more illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths than during a typical flu season.
Even for those who are young, healthy, and have no preexisting conditions, getting a flu vaccine is still important. By getting vaccinated we prevent ourselves from becoming vectors of disease and causing undue harm to others.
The CDC estimates that flu vaccinations in the U.S. reduce the risk of illness for 40-60% of the overall population. In other words, the more people who vaccinate in a community, the more that their community is protected.
Do your part to protect your community by getting your annual flu vaccination. Flu vaccinations are a simple act that has the potential to save lives, support our healthcare workers, and make a real difference.
Visit www.GetMyFluShot.org to learn more.
For a partial list of vaccination providers in your area, click here.
To learn more about the similarities and differences between the influenza virus and COVID-19, check out this video from Johns Hopkins Medicine.